
Welcome to our Blog.


Many of us have them when it comes to how to exercise and how to eat. Some of these questions may seem obvious  to others but a complete mystery to the uninitiated. This is where our Blog comes in; we set out to bring some clarification to the often confusing topics of training, exercise, eating and living healthily.

This is where we share the more in-depth thoughts and opinions we have about these (often controversial topics) in an attempt to help you navigate the minefield of information that is out there. We aim to simplify things so you can make the most of your training and nutrition. We will expand on our social media posts, providing more depth for those of you interested and you can learn more about some of the topics we post about on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. We hope to offer helpful advice, to point you in the right direction of trusted sources of information and generally simplify some of the confusion that can be experienced when attempting to lead a healthy lifestyle and create a strong, lean physique.

If you have any topics you would like us to explore, if you have any burning questions you’d like answered we will to do our best to address those topics and answer those questions. If you have any health, training or nutrition related queries at all, please just ask us.